CT Elektronik

On this page we have collected some useful info about decoders from CT Elektronik. CT Elektronik has not so good info on there own website.

ct_sl51_2_en.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 51-2. This decoder is an old one.

ct_sl51-4_eng.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 51-4. Translated from German by John Gymer.

ct_sl75_eng.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 75. A small type useful in N-loco and in HO loco if the are equipped with Faulhaber engines. Translated from German by John Gymer.

ct_sl76_manual_en.pdf Manual in English for sound decoder SL 76. Translated from German by John Gymer.

ct_tran_decoder.pdf  CV info

ct_soundprog.pdf Manual for the Programmer.

ct_programmer.pdf Extra manual for the Programmer. Infon from the website YouChoo.

ct_sl_51_4_extended_function-mapping.pdf Manual for extended functions. Infon from the website YouChoo.

ct_function_mapping.pdf Manual for extended functions. Infon from the website YouChoo.

More info at http://www.youchoos.co.uk/


Observation! In all manuals is stated that CV 121 (Main sound level) shall have value between 0-3. This is wrong! On version SL 74, SL75 and SL 51-4 you can use 0-64. I have used 8-15 on SL75 and SL51-4. On older version as SL51-2 it was 0-3!

Observation 2! If you like to install a "powermodul" as Lenz UPS-modul it rather easy in SL51-4. Look at page two in the german manual. sl51_4_german_manual  There you see two soldering pads marked + and -. There it´s possible to connect a condensator of 25V and 470-2200µF. Bigger is better. You can go for more than 2200µF but it will normally be to big. You can do that in SL75 also. Please look at http://www.1001-digital.de/pages/1001-digital/startseite.php